Thursday 22 September 2016

Learning Mathematics all over again!

Welcome to my math blog! My name is Brandon and this blog is about learning how to teach Junior/ Intermediate level mathematics. In this blog I will be posting my experiences with learning mathematics and the approaches to math that I am currently learning. A lot of people say "I'm not a math person". I've caught myself saying this a few times and I'm starting to understand that this feeling about math derives from my experience with learning. Learning math was hard growing up, and I expect that re-learning math and how to teach math is going to take some time. I was always taught that there is one right answer and that there is a certain process or formula that needs to be followed, which is not the case anymore. I'm learning that even basic addition and subtraction can be learned through several teaching strategies. Understanding that there are different ways for students to understand math will hopefully allow me to teach students effectively. 

Here is a picture of some simple addition that caused some confusion. Everyone in the class knew that 272 + 272 = 544. However, our methods of arriving at this conclusion were challenged. Students may not understand one method, yet understand another. When teaching math, it is important to teach several strategies to ensure that students fully understand concepts and are not just regurgitating a formula or process.

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